Thursday, December 5, 2024

Road Less Traveled

 The Blue Ray of ウマ娘 4th Event Special Dreamers Extra Stage ついに到着しました

Periodically I have people asking me if they are fit to pursue a Ph.D. degree. The answer, to put it simply, is quite straightforward. In essence, you have to have ingenuity, tenacity, ability to bear hardship and good search and human skills to accomplish this task. ウマ娘 4th Event Extra Dreamer Stage is a case in point. Say you are an avid fan of Kubota Hikari(Hence 小光光). Your objective is to improve her performance. Then for the live part, you have to carefully study her choreography, enunciation and vocals. Then for the talk part, what are the recipient design she was using in engaging in talks, including sequence organization, adjacency pairs or even pauses. To do this you have to at least watch her performance again and again at least 20 times. Now replace 小光光 with research, and think after what you have gone through, do you still like it? If the answer is a loud and clear yes, then congratulations, you are ready to embark on a dramatic journey where you would be taken to places you have never dreamed of!

Friday, October 11, 2024

昨天在瀏覽Journal of Pragmatics最新的文章才赫然發現Conversation Analysis (CA)的鼻祖Emmanuel Schegloff已哲人日已遠了....也就是CA第一代的掌門人都仙逝了!


1. 記得我寫碩論那時引用最多的是Kasper的文章,但發現那些文章都停留在90年代。後來去Bloomington, IN開會才聽他早年的合作者KBH說後來大家的想法分歧。K堅持要收自然語料(naturally occurring data)而反對用問卷收的語料(elicited data).所以他們就"和平"的分手了....但反正K早就自成一格把棒子交給她的學生如Carsten Roever和Youjim Kim繼續讓我這種"小後學"追隨!
2.博一那年上了Schegloff老師Goffman同學派的老師開的Topics in Sociolinguistics,其中有一個議題就是談到Discursive Psychology和CA學者之間的"戰爭"!永遠記得我的老師當時眼神透露著不屑和無語。彷彿在說:這有什麼好吵的?!
3.博班後期認識新進的博士生。其中一位碩士是在某賓州藤校拿的,他居然有次問我願不願意代寫某紐約藤校本科生關於CA transcript的作業。。。。
4. 最後....博論快要定稿那會深受Kasper門生的門生運用CA分析語料啟發。。。。興致勃勃的也想如法炮製大修我的博論再投稿..然而那件事爆發後我就走上Road Less Traveled....
